Lilac Miller Lilac Miller

What I am learning in life

We are all on a journey of discovery through life. For me I have spent the last 2-3 years on a journey on finding a greater sense of balance and well-being.

This has involved making life changes such as spending more time outdoors, focussing on making healthier choices with regards to my diet, improving my sleep through going to bed earlier, focussing on strength training, including a wider variety of fitness into my routine and so much more.

So here is my story and why I have decided to create My Wellness Card……

In March 2020 I was running a small business that was forced into lock-down during the covid pandemic. I had zero life-balance, focussed all of my attention on my business and was happy with that. However when I was forced to stop work and lost control of the thing I had always had total control of it made me start to question my lifestyle.

I was pretty unfit. I had always enjoyed walking and had joined numerous gyms over my life but rarely attended any and when I did didn’t really have a clue what I was doing or for what purpose. I certainly never commited to any strength training for long enough to see any results.

I had really poor sleep patterns, staying up pretty late scrolling on my phone or watching TV. I was obsessed with the news which only became more of an obsession during the daily covid briefings. I struggled to get up in the mornings, leaving it as late as possible.

I had always enjoyed pilates & yoga and dabbled in both but never more than once a week so I hadn’t really seen much improvement and I struggled to get the full benefits of these practices as I couldn’t switch off my brain.

My diet was pretty poor. I was overweight (not horrifically so but probably enough to fall into the obese category on a BMI chart). I had generally followed a gluten free diet for a long time but I still had digestion issues, I ate a lot of processed foods and sugar and I ate almost no protein.

I had very little confidence in myself, I hated having my photo taken (I’m still not that keen on that part). I had a very poor lifestyle and work life balance and I was approaching my late 30’s wondering what I had done with my life.

So I had built a successful business that could fail at any point and I would be left with a life I wasn’t that happy with. So as the weeks of lockdown turned into months I started to focus on making myself into the person I wanted to be……..

I hope that by sharing some of the things I have incorporated into my own lifestyle I will be able to help others achieve a better balance in their own life and see the rewards that can bring. Now I’m not an expert in any of the areas at all but I do know people who are so I am bringing them together as a community and making them more accessible. I hope that the forum associated with My Wellness Card will become a place we can all learn & grow over time.

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